Friday, 9 May 2008

On holiday

Two whole weeks off, to work on my project? Not a chance. Two car MOTs to do, a solar heating panel to install, and, you know, holiday stuff..

Still, I got a bit done today. I was a bit stuck for what to use for the rear end. Motorbike? Sierra? Herald? Those seemed to be the choices, and I do not have any dead motorbikes lying around. The Sierra stuff was a bit heavy and the driveshafts don't stick out far enough before turning into a CV joint.

So I decided to go with the Herald rear hub. After dismantling one, I found that it does in fact have two bearings, so it's not as unsuitable as I first thought. As well, it's not too heavy.

It's only supported on one side, so I've used heavier tubing and it will have plenty of triangulation. The motor goes in the gap between the two tubes at the chassis end, and the spring will act on the upper tube. Probably.

Now I need to choose the pulleys. Or should it be chain drive? Decisions...

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